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Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages and judge them as outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate.

Our last Ofsted visit took place on 7th and 8th of February 2023, which resulted in the overall judgement of 'requires improvement'. Since then, we have been working hard towards our areas of improvement and look forward to our next visit to share everything we have been working on.

Since our previous Ofsted we have:

  • Employed a full-time headteacher.
  • Designed and introduced a bespoke curriculum that identifies and logically orders the knowledge and skills pupils learn from Early Years to Year Six so that children can build on their previous learning, allowing children to acquire the depth of knowledge that they need to prepare them for the next stage of education.
  • Developed and introduced a robust and consistent assessment system for all subjects. This allows children's learning to be tracked, ensuring those who fall behind catch-up quickly and all learners are challenged.
  • Developed governance to ensure leaders are held to account for the quality of education delivered to all children.

Below is our most recent Ofsted inspection report. If you have any questions regarding the report and the progress we have made since the inspection, then please don’t hesitate to contact school.

Telephone: 01229 772554
